Travel report: The "Krumme Speiche" cycling club on the road in the Altmühltal Nature Park, June 2021

From our guests Ilse, Hans Hermann, Renate, Harry, Christa, Peter, Anke and Willi

The Altmühl bike tour

Our cycling club "Krumme Speiche" undertakes a bike tour every year. It consists of five couples - unfortunately only four this year. This year was the 15th tour. We come from the northern districts of Stade and Cuxhaven and are now all aged between 70 and 80. This year we want to explore the Altmühltal. Despite Corona, everything worked out wonderfully again.

Monday 21.06.2021

We start in Hemmoor. We want to start...but there's a train accident at the station. After about 1.5 hours, we take the bus to Stade. Of course, our train has left Hamburg without us. A friendly railroad employee finds another train for us, which then takes us to Nuremberg. We arrive at our hotel in Kinding at 6.30 pm. Finally a cold beer! We've been on the road for 11 hours!

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RFC Crooked spoke
RFC Crooked spoke

Tuesday, 22.06.2021

After breakfast, we saddle up our bikes. They are really good! We set off towards Fitting and take a break in Weißenburg. 

In the sunshine, we continue via Graben to Wettelsheim to our next hotel: Phew, the route was pretty strenuous for us "flatland Indians"! Everyone is happy when we reach the hotel after 65 kilometers. This year we booked half board. A very good decision in Corona times. The food is delicious everywhere and we can enjoy the evening on the terrace.

Wednesday, 23.06.2021

It rained during the night. After breakfast, however, the sun shines and we cycle towards the Altmühlsee. 

The route around the Altmühlsee is a paradise. Great! We also discover a replica of a Roman ship there. They are still working hard on the hull, all on a voluntary basis. After 63 kilometers and lots of breaks, we are back at the hotel in Wettelsheim.

Thursday, 24.06.2021

It rained again overnight. We start as usual at 9.00 am in the sunshine. We start with a "little bridge tour". We continue via Graben to Treuchtlingen. First, we take a Kneipp cure in the Treuchtlingen spa gardens. We practice treading water - always like a stork - a spa guest teaches us. Pretty fresh! Then we marvel at a locomotive built in 1934 and set up in the town. 

We continue along the Altmühl to Pappenheim. There we discover the "Willow Church", built and cared for by the Protestant youth and the rural youth. We are totally impressed! A big compliment to the young people. Great!

Next, we are amazed by the water lilies blooming in a branch of the Altmühl. The 12 apostles await us in Solnhofen. We enjoy the Altmühltal and after about 50 kilometers we arrive at our hotel in Wasserzell.

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Willibaldsburg Eichstätt
Locomotive from 1934
Locomotive from 1934
Willow church Pappenheim
Willow church Pappenheim

Friday, 25.06.2021

Today we set off on our last "cycling day", in the sun of course. We enjoy pure nature and look out for a spot to dip our feet in the Altmühl, which is wonderfully refreshing. 

Shortly after 2 p.m., dark clouds gather and it starts to rain. Our rain gear is also put to good use. We return to our hotel in Kinding without any further breaks. 

In the evening, we review the wonderful cycle tour over a beer and look forward to our tour in 2022.

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